Micro-­Blaze® FOG


Micro-­Blaze® FOG

A safe, environmentally-friendly microbial formulation for treatment of Fats, Oils, & Grease

* WWTP / collection lines

* Kitchen grease traps and drain lines

* Restrooms and septic tanks

* NSF Certified


A safe, environmentally-friendly microbial formulation for treatment of Fats, Oils, & Grease

* WWTP / collection lines

* Kitchen grease traps and drain lines

* Restrooms and septic tanks

* NSF Certified


Micro-Blaze® FOG is a safe, environmentally-friendly microbial formulation for treatment of Fats, Oils, & Grease in the wastewater and restaurant industries. It is a non-toxic formulation of biological activators and specifically selected, non-pathogenic microbes that solves problems caused by a buildup of fats, oils, and grease.

Micro-Blaze® FOG eliminates odors, keeps septic systems operating at their optimum, cleans floors, and degrades waste. It also reduces floating organics, TSS, COD, BOD, and NH3N levels.

  • Odor Control – eliminates odors by digesting the organic particles that cause odor
  • Load Reduction – microbes digest fats, oils, and grease in collection systems
  • Sludge Reduction – reduction in sludge can reduce sludge disposal costs by 50%
  • Reduction of Blue Green Algae



Lift station before treatment                                 Lift station after treatment with Micro-Blaze® FOG

Sludge Reduction

Most WWTPs using Micro-Blaze® FOG in their collection systems leading to the plant have experienced a 40% to 50% reduction in sludge volume.  This results in significant savings in sludge hauling costs and much more efficient WWTP operations.

This chart shows the sludge volume index reduction of a city in Texas after starting a daily dosage of Micro-Blaze® FOG.

Typically, very sudden and dramatic results of sludge reduction will be seen in the 3-6 week time-frame after beginning Micro-Blaze® FOG treatment.

How To Use

Kitchens / Restrooms

* Always shake well before dilution and before application *

Mopping:  Dilute with water to a 5% solution in a mop bucket and mop floors as normal.  When finished, product can be poured down drain lines and into grease traps

Spray bottle:  Dilute with water to a 5% solution in any type of spray bottle.  Spray all over greasy, contaminated surfaces, let sit for 5 minutes, wipe clean

WWTP / Collection Lines

* 1.0 – 1.5 gallons of Micro-Blaze® for every 1 million gallons of influent every 24 hours

* No pre-dilution required.  Apply full concentrate

* Pour (or time release drip) into lift stations/manholes as far upstream as possible


Product brochure


NSF Listing

South Korea – Blue/Green Algae Treatment

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