Micro-­Blaze® Emergency Liquid Spill Control


Micro-­Blaze® Emergency Liquid Spill Control

A safe, non-toxic, microbial formulation used for bioremediation of hydrocarbons and other organic compounds.

* Bioremediates hydrocarbon spills/leaks in place

* Eliminates volatile vapors and LEL’s

* Safely discharge to WWTP

* 10 year shelf life

* Listed on EPA NCP List as a bioremediation agent for 30 years * (see disclaimer under description tab)


A safe, non-toxic, microbial formulation used for bioremediation of hydrocarbons and other organic compounds.

* Bioremediates hydrocarbon spills/leaks in place

* Eliminates volatile vapors and LEL’s

* Safely discharge to WWTP

* 10 year shelf life

* Listed on EPA NCP List as a bioremediation agent for 30 years * (see disclaimer under description tab)


Micro-Blaze® Emergency Liquid Spill Control is a safe, non-toxic, microbial formulation used for bioremediation of hydrocarbons and other organic compounds.  It breaks down, degrades, and digests organic waste while also suppressing vapors and eliminating flammability.  The proprietary combination of wetting agents, nutrients, and microbes make it an ideal formulation for use on many pollutants found in spills and contaminated sites.

All of our microbes are naturally occurring, not genetically engineered, and are found in soils and waters all over the earth.  These microbes have been carefully researched, tested, and chosen for their affinity to degrade hydrocarbons and other organic waste.


* Clean up hydrocarbon spills / leaks

* Soil bioremediation

* Vapor suppression

* Equipment, tank and pipeline cleaning


* Safe and cost effective method for in-situ bioremediation of contaminated soils and water

* Elimination of vapors and LEL’s, creating a safe working environment

* Residue and runoff can be safely sent to industrial and municipal WWTPs

* 10 year shelf life and easy to use concentrate make it convenient to maintain on hand for future emergencies or for every day usage

Examples of organics that can be remediated with Micro-Blaze® Emergency Liquid Spill Control (list not exhaustive)

* Acetone     * Acrylonitrite    * AFFF waste    * Anti-freeze    * Aviation fuels    * Benzene & Benzene compounds    * Crude oil    * Diesel fuel

* Gasoline    * Hydrocarbon waste    * Kerosene    * Methanol    * MTBE    * Motor oil    * Organic waste    * Pipeline condensation    * Toluene

EPA NCP Listing Disclaimer

This listing does not mean the EPA approves, recommends, licenses, certifies or authorizes the use of Micro-Blaze® Emergency Liquid Spill Control or any other product on an oil discharge.  This listing only means that data has been submitted to EPA as required by subpart J of the NCP §300.915.

How To Use

Micro-Blaze® is a liquid concentrate and must be diluted prior to application.


Dilute with water between a 3% solution (3 parts Micro-Blaze®, 97 parts water) and  a 10% solution (10 parts Micro-Blaze®, 90 parts water).  Shake well before dilution and before application.


Spray the diluted Micro-Blaze® directly onto the contamination with as much agitation as possible until the area is completely saturated.  You can use any type of delivery system/sprayer such as:  hand-held sprayers, fire extinguishers, power washers, CAFS systems and water trucks.

For soil remediation, tilling the soil after application will help in achieving optimal results, though it is not required where not feasible.

How much Micro-Blaze® do I need?

1 gallon of Micro-Blaze® concentrate, after it is properly diluted, will treat either of the following:

* 10 gallons of spilled contamination

* 500 – 700 square feet of contaminated surface

* 5 – 7 cubic yards of contaminated soil

Contact a Micro-Blaze® sales representative for any additional application questions:  [email protected]


Product brochure


U.S. EPA NCP listing

NSF Listing


YouTube – Emergency Liquid Spill Control

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